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  • in reply to: Upgrade #1173375

      Nice job Dr B

      It looks a lot nicer now you have all the columns of equal width.

      However I hope you don’t mind me saying that the front page is still very cluttered looking.

      You could easily move a lot of sections from the front page and make them sub-sections.

      For example – every section in the “Parties” heading could be moved and hidden in this section – so you would only see a single heading of Parties – with say a brief description of what that section includes.

      The same is true of the General section.

      in reply to: Hi, I need new friends… #1158661

        Have you tried Rent-A-Friend ?

        Just call 0800 nomates




        in reply to: Hi, I need new friends… #1216394

          Have you tried Rent-A-Friend ?

          Just call 0800 nomates




          in reply to: SquatJuice: Harmless or Bitter and Twisted? #1114745
            starlaugh wrote:
            Cant we just poke them with sticks? :biggreen:

            Aye –

            but with very large and very sharp sticks :yakk:

            in reply to: SquatJuice: Harmless or Bitter and Twisted? #1135074
              starlaugh wrote:
              Cant we just poke them with sticks? :biggreen:

              Aye –

              but with very large and very sharp sticks :yakk:

              in reply to: How to Build a Sound System #1124065
                Raj wrote:
                Shelving equaliser Usually for low and high (although sometimes a fixed mid is also included) – this is an eq that has a set frequency point, and allows control of the gain at that point – essentially either a low pass, band pass or high pass filter with a gain control. This is the most common form of EQ on DJ mixers, and can be used as a simple cut on particular frequency bands by a DJ (I would recommend discouraging them from using it as a boost however, as the quality of the boost and the lack of precise control quickly leads to distortion – there are far better devices for tuning the overall sound, and there is really no good reason to use them as a boost – that’s what amplifiers are for)

                I totally agree.

                I do not understand why on DJ mixers the shelf EQ doesn’t stop at 0 dB and only allows dB reduction ? :you_crazy

                Cutting is fine – in fact it is a great effect when mixing – but you should NEVER boost.

                Only red line monkey’s do that :you_crazy

                And thanks for another great and informative article.


                in reply to: How to Build a Sound System #1144983
                  Raj wrote:
                  Shelving equaliser Usually for low and high (although sometimes a fixed mid is also included) – this is an eq that has a set frequency point, and allows control of the gain at that point – essentially either a low pass, band pass or high pass filter with a gain control. This is the most common form of EQ on DJ mixers, and can be used as a simple cut on particular frequency bands by a DJ (I would recommend discouraging them from using it as a boost however, as the quality of the boost and the lack of precise control quickly leads to distortion – there are far better devices for tuning the overall sound, and there is really no good reason to use them as a boost – that’s what amplifiers are for)

                  I totally agree.

                  I do not understand why on DJ mixers the shelf EQ doesn’t stop at 0 dB and only allows dB reduction ? :you_crazy

                  Cutting is fine – in fact it is a great effect when mixing – but you should NEVER boost.

                  Only red line monkey’s do that :you_crazy

                  And thanks for another great and informative article.


                  in reply to: Historic Scotland – Free Entry and Open Days #1154712
                    elretardo87 wrote:
                    …I mean FFS last time I was in London 3 people were stabbed to death (I was only there for four days)

                    Is that some sort of a confession ?


                    in reply to: Historic Scotland – Free Entry and Open Days #1211966
                      elretardo87 wrote:
                      …I mean FFS last time I was in London 3 people were stabbed to death (I was only there for four days)

                      Is that some sort of a confession ?


                      in reply to: Absolutely NOTHING going on here!!!! #1061175
                        Lady Luck wrote:
                        …. shes my cousin I havent seen or heard from in about 12 yrs…..
                        ………………………… My party was quite a flop in my opinion…. there was a much higher ratio of DJs & djs friends to party-goers….. Id say 75% of the ppl there were free b/c they had either handed out flyers for me or were w/ the DJs……
                        …. I was considering calling off the whole series, but have decided I dont give up that easily… If I dont break even on Dec 6, Im calling it quits…. its too much work to do, then drive 3 hrs, set up, pay my DJs, & not have enough paying ppl to break even, let alone be compensated for MY troubles…… ‘sigh’

                        Sorry to hear that 😥

                        Running / promoting clubs, festivals, etc. is shit ……. :you_crazy

                        That’s why we got out of doing these things.

                        And never have a guest list – it’s a recipe for disaster.

                        Just do what we do – free parties – no expenses (other than the obvious ones) = more fun :bounce_fl

                        in reply to: Historic Scotland – Free Entry and Open Days #1154711
                          DJCliffy wrote:
                          raaaraaaraaaraaaraaa It might be a shithole but it’s our shithole. London baby yeah!!:love:

                          I think everyone always holds an affinity for their home wherever that is.

                          I don’t think London is a shithole mate – I was only joking. But I don’t like it either.

                          I’ve lived and worked in London at various times over the years.

                          But there are vastly more people living in London alone, than in the whole of Scotland.

                          I find it overcrowded, and I miss the countryside and desolate area’s that you can easily find throughout Scotland.

                          My favourite parts of England are The Lake District, Cumbria, Derbyshire, and the more remote parts of Lancashire and Yorkshire.

                          Unfortunately – I’ve never been lucky enough to visit the South West – but would really like too.

                          in reply to: Historic Scotland – Free Entry and Open Days #1211964
                            DJCliffy wrote:
                            raaaraaaraaaraaaraaa It might be a shithole but it’s our shithole. London baby yeah!!:love:

                            I think everyone always holds an affinity for their home wherever that is.

                            I don’t think London is a shithole mate – I was only joking. But I don’t like it either.

                            I’ve lived and worked in London at various times over the years.

                            But there are vastly more people living in London alone, than in the whole of Scotland.

                            I find it overcrowded, and I miss the countryside and desolate area’s that you can easily find throughout Scotland.

                            My favourite parts of England are The Lake District, Cumbria, Derbyshire, and the more remote parts of Lancashire and Yorkshire.

                            Unfortunately – I’ve never been lucky enough to visit the South West – but would really like too.

                            in reply to: Who’s Met Who? #1211356
                              elretardo87 wrote:
                              I carry myself with the utmost stealth so I rarely meet anyone, even although I travel the country regularly going to parties.

                              Not stealthy enough tho …..

                              at least amongst the Scottish underground mafia raaa

                              in reply to: Who’s Met Who? #1154216
                                elretardo87 wrote:
                                I carry myself with the utmost stealth so I rarely meet anyone, even although I travel the country regularly going to parties.

                                Not stealthy enough tho …..

                                at least amongst the Scottish underground mafia raaa

                                in reply to: Historic Scotland – Free Entry and Open Days #1154710
                                  DJCliffy wrote:
                                  Haha yeah i’ve just had a look at it and i think i would take me a while. One thing i’m gonna do is in the near future get a motorbike and explore the UK. specially scotland. I like old army forts and stuff like that so would be pretty cool i reckon!:love:

                                  If you do get a motorbike – a really cheap way to travel round is to use the Bothy’s and Hostels. A lot of them allow camping in their grounds too.




                                  in reply to: Historic Scotland – Free Entry and Open Days #1211963
                                    DJCliffy wrote:
                                    Haha yeah i’ve just had a look at it and i think i would take me a while. One thing i’m gonna do is in the near future get a motorbike and explore the UK. specially scotland. I like old army forts and stuff like that so would be pretty cool i reckon!:love:

                                    If you do get a motorbike – a really cheap way to travel round is to use the Bothy’s and Hostels. A lot of them allow camping in their grounds too.




                                    in reply to: please read this is a con/scam #1154809
                                      timid rabbit wrote:
                                      well fucking wooppy do for you for knowing everything,
                                      how about this you don’t seem to grasp not everyone does , my point was to let folk know, but here your picking at it cause your so fucking smart
                                      health n safety dont get me started on that im a level 3 rope access technician , health and safety is so far up its own fucking ass up its become unsafe

                                      I never said I know everything.

                                      However this information is even provided in TV commercials.

                                      All the ads promoting ambulance chasers like – injurylawyers4U etc. – clearly state that compensation is claimed from an employer, as they have Employee insurance to cover such accidents.

                                      This is not me picking at anything – but pointing out that there is no excuse for someone not knowing simple information such as this.

                                      And my I point out that you are the only one being personally offensive here – I haven’t been.

                                      in reply to: please read this is a con/scam #1212079
                                        timid rabbit wrote:
                                        well fucking wooppy do for you for knowing everything,
                                        how about this you don’t seem to grasp not everyone does , my point was to let folk know, but here your picking at it cause your so fucking smart
                                        health n safety dont get me started on that im a level 3 rope access technician , health and safety is so far up its own fucking ass up its become unsafe

                                        I never said I know everything.

                                        However this information is even provided in TV commercials.

                                        All the ads promoting ambulance chasers like – injurylawyers4U etc. – clearly state that compensation is claimed from an employer, as they have Employee insurance to cover such accidents.

                                        This is not me picking at anything – but pointing out that there is no excuse for someone not knowing simple information such as this.

                                        And my I point out that you are the only one being personally offensive here – I haven’t been.

                                        in reply to: Historic Scotland – Free Entry and Open Days #1154708
                                          DJCliffy wrote:
                                          I well wanna see Hadrians wall and have a walk along it.:love:

                                          That’ll take you a few days as most of it is still intact ….. :laugh_at:

                                          Unfortunately it’s run by The National Trust and English Heritage – maybe they do open days too ?

                                          Some of the forts are well worth visiting.



                                          And if you like walking – there’s loads of brilliant walks all over Scotland.

                                          The Scottish Parliament introduced a Freedom to Roam Act last year, and as we don’t have trespass laws in Scotland, there’s plenty to choose from.


                                          in reply to: Historic Scotland – Free Entry and Open Days #1211962
                                            DJCliffy wrote:
                                            I well wanna see Hadrians wall and have a walk along it.:love:

                                            That’ll take you a few days as most of it is still intact ….. :laugh_at:

                                            Unfortunately it’s run by The National Trust and English Heritage – maybe they do open days too ?

                                            Some of the forts are well worth visiting.



                                            And if you like walking – there’s loads of brilliant walks all over Scotland.

                                            The Scottish Parliament introduced a Freedom to Roam Act last year, and as we don’t have trespass laws in Scotland, there’s plenty to choose from.


                                            in reply to: Historic Scotland – Free Entry and Open Days #1154707

                                              I have just had a response from Historic Scotland.

                                              This years free weekend will be 12 & 13 April

                                              Full details will be posted on their website in March.


                                              in reply to: Historic Scotland – Free Entry and Open Days #1211961

                                                I have just had a response from Historic Scotland.

                                                This years free weekend will be 12 & 13 April

                                                Full details will be posted on their website in March.


                                                in reply to: please read this is a con/scam #1154808
                                                  timid rabbit wrote:
                                                  and not everyone out there knows about public Liability, did you when you were just starting up working in the construction site did you fuck

                                                  Yes I did know.

                                                  Just like I also knew other appropriate legislation such as tax, health & safety, etc. etc.

                                                  It’s not like this information is secret – it’s freely available to anyone in government leaflets and publications, at government offices, or online.


                                                  in reply to: please read this is a con/scam #1212077
                                                    timid rabbit wrote:
                                                    and not everyone out there knows about public Liability, did you when you were just starting up working in the construction site did you fuck

                                                    Yes I did know.

                                                    Just like I also knew other appropriate legislation such as tax, health & safety, etc. etc.

                                                    It’s not like this information is secret – it’s freely available to anyone in government leaflets and publications, at government offices, or online.


                                                    in reply to: please read this is a con/scam #1154807

                                                      Sorry – but if you were scammed – it was your own fault.

                                                      All employers are legally required to have Employee and Public Liability insurance – which covers you for accidents at work. There is also certain state benefits that cover you too.

                                                      So why would you need additional personal insurance ?

                                                      Also – the sum covered of £5,000 is extremely small – corporate insurance policies are normally in the £ millions of cover.


                                                    Viewing 25 posts - 1 through 25 (of 85 total)